Vaccinate your racism

ImageStarting on a serious note, vaccination was a hot topic in the media over the past week.  This is something that I feel rather strongly about, I have a grandparent who died from TB, a parent who suffered from Polio (and still suffers from it’s after effects) and a nephew with brain damage from Meningitis which could have been prevented by medical staff.

None of these diseases would have been contracted or had the effects that they had on our lives if vaccination had been available, or people had done their jobs properly. Sometimes the “best defence is a good offence”.

Strangely it’s come to my attention that the main people in our society who are choosing not to vaccinate, are not those from low socio economic areas, or who didn’t finish school.  They are well educated people with high income, who to me, are just choosing to be difficult and put others at risk! (Rant over).

This segues nicely to my next tale…. while watching Wolverine with the bellboys on Friday night, Mr 8 heard that some of the characters were Canadian, to which end he informed us that this meant that they had to pray twice a day, facing a certain direction.  While we have no idea how he confused the Islamic faith (who I believe pray three times per day) with being Canadian, I’m not sure…. but it was rather entertaining.

Another hot topic last week was that of Racism in sport.  Racism of any kind in my opinion is uncalled for, but what really “gets my goat” is closed minded adults who are teaching their idiotic opinions to their children.

It’s one thing to be a racist bogan, but don’t create another generation of them.  But this always leads me to thing… does my judgement of their judgement make me no better than them?

To close up on a lighter note… we had a few more delightful questions and pieces of advice from Mr 8 last week.  The first of which being when he asked his Dad “who was your Stepmum when you were little”?  A notion that I am not so sure would fly so well with his highly traditional grandparents, but was reassuring to me as he must find out situation so normal, that he thinks everyone has a Stepmum.

Incase you were wondering, we also learned from Mr 8 that “if your apple has a black spot, don’t stick your finger in it… I did once and it was goopy”. (Please don’t judge me on my fruit bowl, while it’s not perfect, this incident could have happened at his Mums house!)

You would think that these pearls of wisdom might help in the next tale, but they did not. Late on Friday afternoon I received a text msg from Mr Bell stating that he was stuck in a meeting, and wouldn’t be home in time to take Mr 8 to football training, could I take him?  A look at the toddler with the runny nose clinging to my leg, and the 11 year old asking to play computer and I knew this wasn’t as simple as “popping everyone in the car”.

I agreed of course, on the pretence that I didn’t have to STAY at football training for 60 minutes, on a wet oval, in 3 degrees. I’d like to point out here, that the same thing happened this time last year, and I spent the evening on said oval, with babybell in the baby bjorn, while I ran about kicking footballs.

While the coach was happy to have him, and he was happy to stay, there is nothing quite so scary as leaving your child essentially on their own, somewhere you haven’t before!

Finally, Mr Bell is becoming concerned that our shopping list stuck to the fridge has turned from a list of and condiments… to a list of blog ideas.  This says a lot of my cooking skills!